How to Buy & Sell on X

Wondering how to use the IntelX Bot to Buy & Sell Crypto on X? The following Guide will get you started.

Activate your IntelX Account

To get started, activate your account by signing in with the X account you want to use for buying and selling coins.

Activate your account here:

Fund your Wallet

Once you’ve signed up, your IntelWallet will be generated. Fund this wallet with ETH (ERC-20 mainnet), and you’ll be ready to start trading on X.

Don’t forget to export your private key and store it safely.

Begin Tweeting

Using the IntelX Bot to buy & sell coins requires only one simple command.

@Intelxtools buy (contract aderess) (amount of ETH)

Should the contract be whitelabeled - users may use the $ticker instead.


@Intelxtools buy 0.5ETH of $INTX

Natural Language

Users can equally buy and sell tokens using natural language, with no need for a fixed format.


@intelxtools need you to buy me 5eth of $INTX

Last updated