How to Send Crypto on X

Learn how to send ETH & Tokens through the IntelX Bot directly on X.

Activate & Fund Your Account

To begin, you must activate and fund your IntelX Account.

View Steps Here

Begin Sending on X

The IntelX Bot allows users to send ETH and any ERC-20 token directly to anyone on X.

Commands are as follows:

@intelxtools send [amount] [contract address or ticker] to [twitter @]


@Intelxtools send 100 $INTX to @elonmusk

If the recipient hasn't signed up with IntelX yet, they can access the funds once they register with the IntelX bot.

Natural Language

Users can equally send ETH & tokens using natural language, with no need for a fixed format.


@Intelxtools send @elonmusk 50 $INTX for me.

Last updated