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X Sniper Bot in Direct Messages

intelX proposes a comprehensive X sniping & trading tool accessible directly via X DMs. This allows for a more seamless trading experience for users, eliminating the need to switch between X and other platforms and overall allowing for enhanced efficiency when trading.

The intelX bot also allows users to trade confidently and securely; All swaps are protected against attacks by MEV bots, and are safeguarded by the intelX anti-rug system. The following section will break down the features of the intelX sniper bot.

Standard Buy & Sell

The intelX X based sniper bot offers standard buy & sell functionalities. This allows users to buy & sell tokens of their choice at market price directly via X DMs with the intelX bot.

Users may execute buys on tokens by selecting the “Standard Buyer” mode. They will then be prompted to enter the contract address of the token they wish to purchase, and the ETH amount they wish to purchase said token with. Upon confirmation, the user’s buy will be executed immediately at the current market price.

Users may execute sells by selecting “Open Positions”, and selecting a position to liquidate. Users may decide to liquidate a position in its entirety, or only a percentage of it.

Limit Orders

The intelX sniper bot offers limit order functionalities, including stop loss and take profit features, allowing users to set trades to execute automatically at predetermined prices. This allows for greater flexibility when trading, and eliminates the need for constant price checks on the part of the user.

Limit Orders are available via the “Auto Buyer” mode. Once selected, users will be prompted to enter the contract address of the token they wish to purchase, the amount of ETH they wish to purchase said token with, and the price at which they wish to have the order automatically executed. Users will also be prompted with an option to set Stop Loss and Take Profit price points when opening a trade.

Stop Loss and Take Profit price points may also be set on previously opened trades by navigating to “Open Positions”.


The intelX sniper bot offers an easy to use, automatic sniper bot accessible directly via X DMs. intelX’s automated system autonomously detects the methodID and the max transaction amount on tokens being sniped, allowing for ease of use and high success rates when sniping. To ensure a higher success rate, users may choose to set a “bribe amount” in Ethereum; This ETH will be collected by an Ethereum validator in exchange for the prioritization of a user’s transaction.

In order to use the intelX sniper bot, users may simply select the “Auto Sniper” mode. They will then be prompted to enter the contract address of the token they wish to snipe, the maximum amount of ETH they wish to spend sniping, and the maximum amount they wish to spend bribing.

AntiRug & Anti Honeypot Tools

intelX’s proprietary Anti-Rug system allows users to trade confidently and securely. By scanning the mem-pools of tokens purchased by users, intelX is able to detect rug-type transactions before they occur, frontrunning them with an automatic sell. These rug-type transactions include disproportionate changes in fees or max transactions, remove liquidity transactions, and swap amounts of disproportionate percentages.

intelX’s anti honeypot system is designed to prevent users from purchasing tokens which they will be unable to sell. This is accomplished via off-chain sell simulations executed within milliseconds. Should the intelX bot be unable to simulate a successful sell transaction, the user’s token purchase or token snipe will be canceled.

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