💻Research & Sentiment Analysis

Research and Sentiment gaging tools powered by artificial inteligence.

IntelX’s AI-Powered research & sentiment analysis program allows users to receive comprehensive project breakdowns pertaining to projects they are considering purchasing. It also provides users with information pertaining to the general market sentiment regarding a project.

This is achieved by analyzing tweets made with the researched project’s ticker in order to compile information and determine whether the general sentiment surrounding said project is bullish, bearish or neutral. An explanation of precisely why this conclusion has been reached is also provided to the user.

Users may request a project summary by using the following command:

@intelxbot Summarize [Ticker]

Users may request a project sentiment analysis by using the following command:

@intelxbot Sentiment [Ticker]

Please note that intelX’s AI-Powered research and sentiment analysis bot may be used both in DM as well as publicly via tweets, comments or replies.

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